Livit Studio offers comprehensive STEM and programming curriculums for Qubi, Qubi Kids and the XR Engine, aligned with international standards. These curriculums cover a wide range of topics, from basic programming concepts to more advanced topics such as virtual reality, augmented reality development and Robotics programming. They are designed to be fun and engaging for students of all ages and skill levels, and can be adapted to meet the specific needs of teachers and students.

Virtual Robotics 🚀
Progressive Lesson Plans (30 Lessons) for each grade including Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, and Grade 7

XR Engine 🚀
Progressive Lesson Plans (30 Lessons) for each grade including Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, and Grade 7

Teacher’s Portal
Livit Studio’s teacher management system is a module inside the software that allows teachers to easily manage their classrooms and students. It provides teachers with access to all of Livit Studio’s programming curriculums, the ability to create projects and assignments, and the ability to check the performance of students. The teacher management system is easy to use, comprehensive, and flexible, making it a valuable tool for teachers who are looking to improve their teaching and help their students succeed.